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首頁(yè) > 新聞資訊濟南獵頭公司:獵頭公司商業(yè)模式及經(jīng)營(yíng)模式的探索
來(lái)源:http://www.yoshimura-japan.com 發(fā)布人:創(chuàng )始人 日期:2024-08-28

  對于許多獵頭顧問(wèn)來(lái)講,他們只知道BD、聯(lián)系候選人,但是,他們不知道獵頭公司背后的商業(yè)模式是怎樣的,也不知道如何去經(jīng)營(yíng)一家獵頭公司,而資深獵頭一定會(huì )探究這些在獵頭公司背后隱藏的邏輯,只有深入了解才能在獵頭這條路上走的更遠。今天的內容我們就來(lái)發(fā)現隱藏在獵頭這個(gè)行業(yè)背后的那些事兒。

  For many headhunting consultants, they only know about BD and contacting candidates, but they do not know what the business model behind the headhunting company is, nor do they know how to run a headhunting company. Senior headhunters will definitely explore the hidden logic behind these headhunting companies. Only by deeply understanding can they go further on the road of headhunting. Today's content will reveal the things hidden behind the headhunting industry.


  什么是商業(yè)模式?通俗地說(shuō),商業(yè)模式就是一群或一組利益相關(guān)方的持續,即大家都投入各自的資源和能力,并共同創(chuàng )造價(jià)值的方式。我們將大家共同創(chuàng )造的價(jià)值稱(chēng)之為價(jià)值。

  What is a business model? Simply put, a business model is a continuous transaction between a group or group of stakeholders, where everyone invests their own resources and capabilities and works together to create value. We refer to the value created by everyone together as transaction value.


  Because transactions have costs, transaction value - transaction cost=value space. Furthermore, the value space - transaction content (including monetary costs such as raw materials, semi-finished products, services, information, etc.)=value appreciation.


  Therefore, value appreciation is actually the surplus generated by various stakeholders in the transaction process. So, the discount of the surplus of the focus enterprise is the enterprise value of the focus enterprise. This is our understanding of the business model.

  不管怎么去理解,它實(shí)際上都是由一個(gè)一個(gè)的利益相關(guān)者通過(guò)來(lái)形成的一張網(wǎng)絡(luò )。而我們今天要講的并不是獵頭行業(yè)完整的商業(yè)模式,我們今天的內容主要是要用直觀(guān)和通俗易懂的方式將商業(yè)模式展示出來(lái)。

  No matter how it is understood, it is actually a network formed by one stakeholder after another through transactions. And what we are going to talk about today is not the complete business model of the headhunting industry. Our main content today is to present the business model in the most intuitive and easy to understand way.


  1KA (large customer mode)


  This is the most traditional headhunting model and also the model adopted by most headhunting companies. The core of this model is customer-centric, team building, and digesting all customer positions, regardless of which functional department they belong to.


  The logic of this model is to first develop the client, obtain the client's job requirements, and search for candidates based on the job requirements. It is a linear process from the client to finding the candidate.


  The advantage of KA mode is that there is not much pressure on customer development, and having a few customers is enough for a team to operate. In the real estate industry, the most well-known are several headhunting companies that only serve one client and reach tens of millions, truly taking the KA model to the extreme.


  In the Internet industry, there are also several headhunting companies that have reached tens of millions in Alibaba. Although it is one of the few cases, we can still see the clues of the KA model, which is to form a team and strive to fulfill all the recruitment needs of the client. The problem with the KA model is that the positions offered by clients are diverse, and there are always some positions that are unfamiliar or even unfamiliar to them. It is necessary to start looking for people from scratch, and it is often difficult to find people for these positions. Not only does it take a long time, but it is also possible to achieve nothing. Whether consultants have the willingness or ability to invest is a question.

  2PS模式(Proactive Specialization 主動(dòng)專(zhuān)注)

  2PS mode (Proactive Specialization)


  The logic of PS mode is to start from the candidate end and search for suitable positions for the candidate.


  PS mode requires consultants to have good sales skills. For them, after establishing a candidate pool, the most important task is to find customers. The biggest consideration that PS mode brings to our industry is focus. Consultants only focus on one function, and are likely to focus on candidates at or above the director level for that function.


  The biggest problem with PS mode is often the lack of major customers, and changing places with a single shot is the norm. In order to solve this problem, various departments often exchange information with each other, but the problem cannot be completely solved. They have never thought of helping clients solve the recruitment of all positions.


  The PS model has a strong competitive advantage in the functional field, especially in the financial module. Finance is easier to handle than human resources because finance leans more towards technology, while human resources require higher emotional intelligence, which cannot be standardized. The PS model does not have any advantages in competing with the KA model online in the industry, because their thinking is "point" style, while the KA model's thinking is "surface" style.

  3MPC模式(Most Placeable Candidate)

  3MPC mode (Most Placeable Candidate)


  This mode is differentiated from the PS mode. This model is most suitable for certain fields where candidates are scarce, such as AI, big data, algorithms, autonomous driving, blockchain, IoT, and other emerging fields. There are few candidates and strong customer demand. Some high-precision fields are also suitable for this model, such as pharmaceutical research and development scientists, investment executives, senior foreign lawyers, and so on.

  適當的模式很重要,各種模式各有優(yōu)缺點(diǎn),不能生搬硬套,但是,作為有志向的顧問(wèn),需要了解各個(gè)模式的優(yōu)缺點(diǎn),在不同場(chǎng)景下靈活運用,融會(huì )貫通,也是很有必要的。

  The appropriate mode is important, as each mode has its own advantages and disadvantages, and cannot be blindly applied. However, as an ambitious consultant, it is necessary to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each mode, flexibly apply them in different scenarios, and integrate them.

本文由山東獵頭友情奉獻.更多有關(guān)的知識請點(diǎn)擊:http://www.yoshimura-japan.com/真誠的態(tài)度.為您提供為的服務(wù).更多有關(guān)的知識我們將會(huì )陸續向大家奉獻.敬請期待.

This article is a friendly contribution from Shandong headhunters. For more related knowledge, please click: http://www.yoshimura-japan.com/ Sincere attitude. We provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Please stay tuned

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